ASO-EBI Festival™ is a Concept Created by The New Pan-African Movement UK (CIC). And the Aso-Ebi Festival Gala Night Event is an Educative, Informative & Cultural Platform specially created for the Nigerian, African, Caribbean Communities in the UK, including the wider global society. It promises to be a Spectacular Annual Event, which will serve as a Celebration of Culture, Marketing Tool, Exhibition Space & Capacity Building Initiative. Our main thrust is to re-capture a wide audience range, across the UK, Europe, Africa, Caribbean, Middle East, USA etc, particularly targeting the African Diaspora communities in these territories. We will be specifically reaching out to People, Institutions, Businesses, Entrepreneurs and organisations who are seeking knowledge, plus a Platform for Exceptional Creative and Artistic Expression, Trade & Investment Opportunities, ready to ’Arize! and make a difference within the wider Market’s Inventive & Innovative Space.
Hrh Princess Moradeun Adedoyin-Solarin
Executive Director New Pan-African Movement CIC
Founder & Royal Host ASO-EBI Festival™